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Solutions Corner: Salesforce News & More

Salesforce Org Strategy: When to Remediate Your Existing Salesforce Org vs Start New

Deciding between remediating your current Salesforce org or starting anew is no small task. Here are several key factors to consider when choosing between remediating your existing org or building a new one.

How Salesforce Data Cloud Can Help Businesses Drive A Product-Led Growth (PLG) Strategy

Data Cloud offers powerful capabilities that can help PLG companies harness data effectively and drive positive outcomes across marketing, sales, and service.

Salesforce Social Studio is Retiring: Is your Business Ready?

Social Studio will officially retire on November 18, 2024 or at the end of your contract. Here’s what you can do to prepare for the transition.

Salesforce Einstein: The Latest AI & GPT News

Elevate Your Business with Salesforce Einstein Studio: Quick Guide

With Einstein Studio, the process of deploying AI is faster for businesses than ever before. Customers can build their own custom AI models and generate prompts, all while ensuring customer data is safe and secure.

Company News

Empowering Teachers, Enriching Lives: Support Our Giving Tuesday Luncheon for Educators at Marvin E. Robinson School of Business and Management

On this Giving Tuesday, the Kelley Austin team is coming together to make a positive impact on our community by supporting the dedicated heroes shaping our future – our teachers.

Introducing Kandoo: The Kangaroo Mascot of Salesforce Partner Kelley Austin

With his boundless energy and can-do attitude, Kandoo the kangaroo perfectly embodies the spirit of innovation and excellence that defines our Salesforce Consulting firm.

Kelley Austin Kicks Off its First Ever Startup Jam to Help Dallas Students Make their Business Dreams a Reality

Kelley Austin consultants come together to coach 50+ students at a local DISD high school as they build out their business ideas from scratch.



What can we do for your business?

At Kelley Austin we're proud to provide tailored Salesforce solutions across a variety of industries. Our expert knowledge and many years of experience in all aspects of the Salesforce ecosystem have earned us high levels of satisfaction from our clients.

We're ready to find the right solutions for your industry today.


Our Clients Say

“They overcame everything we threw at them and continue to do so on a daily basis. Our company is growing everyday with new business acquisitions coming on board every month. In addition we intend on implementing more Salesforce business tools and 3rd party apps and we have all the confidence that Kelley Austin will meet all our requirements and will do so on our typically accelerated schedule.”
— VP, Communications Client