September 24, 2024

Salesforce Org Strategy: When to Remediate Your Existing Salesforce Org vs Start New

Not sure if you should start from scratch or remodel your existing org? Here are our key recommendations to keep in mind.

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Think of your Salesforce org like a home. Over time, what once was perfect for your needs can start to feel cramped or outdated. Maybe the layout no longer fits your lifestyle, or you’ve outgrown the space entirely. At this point, you’re faced with a big decision: Do you renovate and breathe new life into your old home, or do you start fresh with a brand-new build?

Similarly, when your Salesforce environment no longer aligns with your business, the choice between remediating the existing org or starting fresh is critical. Maybe you’re dealing with an older org that’s wracked up a significant amount of technical debt and has bad data. Maybe your current org is heavily customized and has a poor user experience. Or maybe you’re considering starting fresh on Lightning, but aren’t sure if you’re ready to take the leap.

Whether you’re in the process of remediating your current org or looking to start anew, both paths have their advantages and disadvantages. Knowing which one is right depends on your needs and long-term goals. Let’s explore the considerations for each option to help you make the best decision for your Salesforce org strategy.

Typical Challenges We Hear from Customers

Many companies reach a crossroads where their Salesforce org no longer works for their business. Common challenges we hear from our customers include:

Each of these issues can prevent your business from leveraging Salesforce to its fullest potential. That's when it's time to evaluate your org and decide: do we fix what’s broken or start over?

What is A Salesforce Org Strategy?

A Salesforce org strategy is a roadmap that guides how your organization will use Salesforce to meet your specific business objectives. It considers current systems, future growth, and your overall tech landscape to ensure your Salesforce environment is optimized for success.

Your org strategy determines your Salesforce architecture and is an important decision that influences your implementation scope, feature deployment methodology, and data governance strategy. It’s important to consider whether your Salesforce org strategy is for single-org or multi-org.

Key differences between the two include:

Single-Org – Simplifies your architecture by centralizing standardized business processes within one unified Salesforce instance.

Multi-Org – Adds complexity to your architecture but provides flexibility to separate distinct business processes across different business units (BUs) when a standardized approach isn't feasible.

A single-org setup offers more centralized control, whereas a multi-org strategy allows individual BUs to manage their own implementations. It's important to note that while you can transition from a single-org to a multi-org architecture, reverting back is not an option.

Ultimately, a well-defined org strategy helps minimize technical debt and ongoing maintenance costs, allowing your organization to focus on innovation and growth rather than system upkeep.

Salesforce Org Considerations: When to Remodel vs Start Fresh

When deciding whether to remediate your current Salesforce org or start fresh, it’s essential to weigh several factors. Below are some key considerations for both approaches.

Remediate & Optimize Existing Org

Remediating an existing Salesforce org means identifying and resolving issues or inefficiencies within the current setup. This process may involve cleaning up data, refining processes, and optimizing configurations. 

The main benefit of this approach is that it leverages your existing investment in Salesforce, avoiding the costs and complexities of a complete rebuild. However, it can be a time-intensive and resource-heavy task, especially if the org is large or highly complex.

Key Pros:

Key Cons:

Create A New Salesforce Org

Starting from scratch allows for a fresh perspective on how Salesforce can serve your organization more effectively in the long run. When you create a new org, your business can take advantage of the latest and greatest Salesforce features and customize the platform to scale with your business. 

Starting with a new Salesforce org gives your organization a clean slate, allowing you to rethink processes, structures, and configurations from the ground up. This fresh approach enables you to build a system that’s fully aligned with your current and future business goals, rather than being constrained by legacy setups or outdated customizations. 

Key Pros:

Key Cons:

Get Strategic Guidance with Making Your Decision to Remediate vs Start A New Salesforce Org 

The decision to remediate or start fresh isn’t one you have to make alone. Working with a Salesforce consulting partner can provide the clarity and strategic guidance needed to assess your current org’s strengths and weaknesses, align your technology with business goals, and develop a plan that maximizes your investment in Salesforce.

We have experience working with companies across industries who’ve been in your shoes. We’ll work with you to develop a clear approach to your Salesforce org strategy before you make any major decisions.

From discovery sessions to system analysis to developing your Salesforce Roadmap with strategic recommendations, we’re here to help you get started with the process of making your decision to remediate vs start fresh. 

Whether you choose to remodel your existing org or begin anew, your ultimate goal should be a Salesforce org that aligns with your business needs, drives growth, and helps you plan for the future. Contact us today to get started!



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