A Technology Company Unlocks Valuable Customer Insights by Uniting Sales, Service, and Marketing with Salesforce Data Cloud

With Data Cloud, our client can create personalized experiences based on a single customer profile and unified customer data across the Salesforce platform.

The Challenges

Our client, a leading technology company, faced significant challenges managing separate systems for their marketing, sales, and customer service operations. The company works with schools to create digital products by providing software solutions on their website and app.

Our client had previously implemented Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud, but weren’t able to take full advantage of both products by allowing them to share key data for marketing and sales activities. With Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud operating separately, data silos obstructed personalized messaging and restricted our client's visibility into customer progress and conversion rates.

Our client lacked a unified view of customers across their website and app and needed a solution that could provide a 360-degree view of their customers across platforms in real time.

The Solution

We embarked on a comprehensive journey to equip our client with the solutions needed to connect their sales, service, and marketing efforts based on unified customer data across their Salesforce org. These solutions included:

Data Cloud

We incorporated Data Cloud as the central hub of our client’s tech stack, creating a seamless design between Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, their application and website, and the Marketing Cloud suite of products. With Data Cloud our client can bring all of their customer activity — from behavioral, purchasing, browsing, service and more — into the 360 degree view. 

Sales Cloud

As part of our Managed Services offerings, we provide ongoing support to help our clients navigate the long-term strategy of their Salesforce roadmap. For our client, this meant providing ongoing support with their Sales Cloud org. We conducted a thorough audit of automations, optimizing processes and eliminating redundancies. We then successfully completed data migration for historical data related to their customers from their app integration.

Marketing Cloud

Before working with KA, our client’s marketing team relied heavily on IT for data and needed to personalize their messaging efforts. Their sales team had no insight into their product or opportunity progress from their CRM.

Our team redesigned the data model so that customer and audience data lived in Salesforce to support deduplication within Marketing Cloud. We also implemented Marketing Cloud Connect to seamlessly integrate Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud, enabling unified data and streamlined processes.

Marketing Cloud Connect allows users to access Marketing Cloud tools directly within Sales or Service Cloud. It also ensures that marketing and sales teams can create a consistent branding and messaging experience, ultimately driving more leads into Salesforce.

To further enhance our client’s Marketing Cloud org, we rebuilt their on-going Journeys to utilize the new data model with Salesforce unique identifiers. This allows for streamlined contact visibility between the two platforms. We created new Salesforce data-driven Journeys in Marketing Cloud to provide personalized customer experiences. These Journeys include activities to create and assign tasks (or place them in a queue) within the CRM and assign for follow-up.

Marketing Cloud Personalization

Our team recommended leveraging Marketing Cloud Personalization to enable near real-time communication and a granular understanding of audience behavior. With Marketing Cloud Personalization, our client can create personalized experiences with AI, from webpages to in-app experiences, product recommendations, content, and more. We collaborated with our client to envision personalized communication touch points and frequency.

Marketing Cloud Intelligence & Advertising Studio

We implemented Marketing Cloud Intelligence to help our client gain actionable insights and optimize their marketing strategies. Marketing Cloud Intelligence equips our client with an intelligent marketing analytics platform, enabling them to make data-driven decisions, track campaign performance, and enhance overall marketing effectiveness.

Our team also worked with our client to implement Advertising Studio to enhance their ad targeting efforts. With Advertising Studio, our client can coordinate campaigns with social, mobile, sales, and customer service efforts as well as enhance their email marketing goals with digital advertising.

Service Cloud

We helped our client make the switch from Zendesk to Service Cloud and introduced Service Cloud Voice to enhance customer interactions. With Service Cloud Voice, our client can not only deliver more proactive and personalized service to their customers, but also maintain as much of their business within the Salesforce ecosystem as possible.

Service Cloud Voice helps service agents quickly and intelligently handle calls, reducing average handle time. Our client can now unite multiple infrastructure systems across their contact center after implementing both Service Cloud and Service Cloud Voice. 

Einstein Services Replies

In addition to Service Cloud Voice, we implemented Einstein Service Replies for email. This allows our client to use generative AI to draft email responses for support cases that are based on related Knowledge Articles. Einstein Service Replies has not only boosted productivity among support teams, but has also allowed our client to focus more attention on tackling complex support cases.

Custom Development

With Custom Development, we’re able to solve business challenges of all shapes and sizes, whether it be an integration or a custom user interface to simplify processes. We provided custom solutions for our client by integrating Salesforce with their web application so they could receive automated updates of person accounts, business accounts, and several custom objects.

Customer Impact

In addition to the significant strides made in unifying our client's sales, service, and marketing teams, our comprehensive Salesforce solutions have instilled a profound sense of confidence in the quality and reliability of their data. This sense of security serves as the foundation for improved segmentation and personalization strategies, empowering our client to build deeper connections with their customers.

Positive feedback from stakeholders underscores the success of our collaboration.

“The Kelley Austin team was so responsive. It was so appreciated and it's just the little things that you're able to figure out and get done for us that make a difference. Responsiveness was key. You guys were really incredible there and then getting everything fixed was incredible for my team.”

- Vice President of Operations

The transformative effects of our collaboration are evident across multiple facets of our client's operations:

Unified Customer Data: By implementing Data Cloud as the central hub of their tech stack, our client now has a 360-degree view of their customers across platforms in real time. This allows for enhanced segmentation and personalization across the Salesforce platform based on unified customer data. With a unified customer profile now in place, our client can pinpoint stages of the customer journey and prioritize sales team follow-up using relevant Salesforce data.

Enhanced Marketing Efforts: With Marketing Cloud solutions, including a redesigned data model, new customer journeys, and Marketing Cloud Personalization, our client saw a significant improvement in their marketing effectiveness and lead generation. By implementing Marketing Cloud connect, our client has greater visibility and insights into how their marketing efforts are impacting their conversion rates and sales performance.

Actionable Insights: The implementation of Marketing Cloud Intelligence empowers our client to make data-driven decisions and optimize their marketing strategies, while Advertising Studio enhances ad targeting and ROI.

Improved Customer Service: The switch to Service Cloud, coupled with Service Cloud Voice and Einstein Service Replies, allows our client to deliver more proactive, personalized, and efficient customer service experiences, ultimately boosting productivity among support teams.

This holistic approach has not only resolved many of our clients initial challenges, but also positioned our client for long-term success. As pioneers in their industry, our client is well-equipped to deliver exceptional customer experiences that resonate long into the future.

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