A Roofing Company Boosts Customer Satisfaction with Salesforce Field Service

We helped our client in the Construction Industry go from manual, outdated processes to seamless scheduling and automation.

The Challenges

Our client, a Midwest-based company specializing in commercial and residential roofing across the U.S., faced several operational challenges as they sought to enhance their field service operations.

The company struggled with manual scheduling, paper-based processes, and needed help with a complex Salesforce integration with their parent company. These inefficiencies not only slowed down their operations but also limited their ability to provide timely and transparent communication with their customers. Some of the challenges they faced were:

Manual & Inefficient Scheduling: Our client faced challenges with efficiently scheduling technicians for jobs — leading to potential delays and operational inefficiencies.

Complex Integration with Parent Company: A significant portion of work orders came from their parent company. The manual process of logging into a separate system to access work orders was time-consuming and prone to errors.

Paper-Based Processes: Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) forms were being completed on paper, slowing down processes and increasing the risk of lost or incomplete documentation.

Limited Customer Communication: Customers lacked visibility into the technician’s arrival time, leading to frustration and uncertainty.

The Solution

To address these issues, our team implemented a comprehensive solution leveraging Salesforce Field Service. Field Service provides businesses with the tools that are necessary to manage work orders, scheduling, and a mobile workforce. 

By automating key processes, integrating systems, and enhancing customer communication, the project aimed to streamline the company’s operations and enhance their service delivery. Some of the solutions we implemented include:

Automated Scheduling: Salesforce Field Service allows our client to streamline the scheduling process for field technicians, reduce manual steps, and ensure that technicians are dispatched more efficiently.

Seamless Integration: We set up custom integrations to allow our client’s Salesforce org to connect with their parent company org as well as with ADP and Sage. This eliminates the need for double and triple entry of information so that our client’s team is more efficient. 

Digital Transformation: The paper-based JHA forms were digitized, allowing for quicker completion and easier access to important safety documentation.

Enhanced Customer Communication: The Field Service Appointment Assistant feature was introduced. Appointment Assistant allows customers to schedule appointments, receive real-time updates, and stay informed about their onsite visits.

Third-Party App: We implemented SharinPix, a third-party app, to help manage storage more efficiently. SharinPix allows our client to store images taken by technicians on-site externally.

Customer Impact

The impact of these changes was quickly felt across our client’s operations. With more efficient scheduling, seamless system integration, and improved customer communication, the company saw significant gains in productivity and customer satisfaction. 

The introduction of digital tools and automation not only streamlined their workflow but also enhanced their ability to manage resources and provide a superior service experience. Key benefits of the engagement include:

Increased Efficiency: Automated scheduling and the integration with the parent company’s Salesforce org led to significant time savings and reduced operational bottlenecks.

Improved Accuracy: By eliminating manual data entry and paper forms, our client was able to reduce errors and streamline their processes.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: With the Appointment Assistant feature, customers now have greater visibility into the service process, resulting in improved satisfaction and trust.

Better Resource Management: The implementation of SharinPix allowed our client to free up Salesforce storage for other critical data.

By addressing the inefficiencies in scheduling, system integration, and customer communication, our client was able to significantly enhance their field service operations.

The result is a more streamlined, accurate, and customer-focused approach that not only boosts productivity but also strengthens customer relationships.

This success story demonstrates how leveraging tools like Salesforce Field Service can drive meaningful change, positioning companies like our client to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

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