A Healthcare Provider Grows Healthy Relationships with Patients, Providers, and Partners with Salesforce

By providing solutions for Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and CRM Analytics, our client can better connect with their patients and provide personalized care.

The Challenges

Our client, a company in the Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry, faced several challenges that  impeded their sales and marketing efforts — resulting in lost revenue opportunities and decreased productivity.

A problematic Salesforce implementation, undertaken before collaborating with Kelley Austin, caused widespread inefficiencies and unreliable data. Insufficient integrations with third-party systems created gaps in critical patient information. 

Not only were the company’s existing processes tedious and cumbersome, their marketing strategies were also outdated, making it difficult to achieve the desired outcomes they were looking for. Some of the challenges they faced before working with Kelley Austin include:

Salesforce Implementation Issues: Their previous Salesforce implementation created numerous problems, including data inaccuracies, irrelevant automations, and unused metadata — leading to inefficiencies and an unreliable system.

Ineffective Sales Process: The sales process was cluttered with excessive and redundant data points — limiting productivity and making it difficult for sales reps to use it effectively.

Insufficient Integrations: Integrations with third-party healthcare systems were inadequate, resulting in a lack of visibility into patient charts, scheduling history, and other critical data needed by sales users.

Marketing Challenges: The marketing team struggled with lead nurturing and patient re-engagement, relying on an external marketing agency and outdated strategies. 

Lack of Campaign Attribution: The company had a significant blind spot in campaign attribution, preventing stakeholders from understanding which marketing initiatives were driving revenue and where to allocate their budget effectively.

The Solution

To address these challenges, we implemented a series of targeted solutions aimed at enhancing their Salesforce environment and improving their sales and marketing processes.

By refining existing systems, introducing new strategies, and providing strategic guidance, we helped the company overcome their obstacles and achieve greater efficiency. Some of the key solutions we provided include:

Sales Cloud Enhancements: We refined existing processes and implemented enhancements to create a clear sales process for both new and existing patients in Sales Cloud. This included nurturing leads, driving conversions, tracking appointments, and focusing on ROI.

Data Cleanup and Process Improvement: We addressed data issues, removed irrelevant automations, and cleaned up unused metadata. This involved fixing broken elements from the previous implementation and improving the overall system.

Integration with Third-Party Systems: We built better integrations with third-party healthcare systems, such as Baritrax360 and AdvancedMD, ensuring that sales users had visibility into essential patient information. This data was also sent to Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot) for more targeted marketing.

Marketing Strategy and Campaigns: We assisted with lead nurture and patient re-engagement through drip campaigns, creating specialized content, and increasing marketing engagement. 

Campaign Attribution and CRM Analytics: We prepared data for CRM Analytics — focusing on campaign attribution to help stakeholders understand which marketing campaigns were successful. This allowed them to make informed decisions on where to invest their marketing budget.

Ongoing Support with Managed Services: As part of our Managed Services engagement, we provide ongoing support for our client in the following areas: New Lead and Existing Patient Segmentation, Re-Engagement Drip Campaigns, Data Sync / Deduplication, Web Tracking Maintenance + Attribution, Cross Cloud Automations, and more.

Data Cloud: Developing A Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry Use Case for Our Client

After working with our client to understand their current data infrastructure and Salesforce environment, we developed several Use Cases for how Salesforce Data Cloud could benefit their business. This process began by working with our client to answer these three critical questions:

  1. What data needs to be brought into Data Cloud?
  2. How does that data need to be harmonized and unified and what insights need to be discovered with that data?
  3. What action needs to be taken based on that data and why?

We recommended a solution for ingesting external data sources (behavioral data from their website) to harmonize with the unified individual. This solution involved associating a patient’s Chart Number with Party Identification in order to achieve Identity Resolution.

By associating a patient’s Chart Number with Party Identification, our client can take multiple patient data sources, set up matching rules, and resolve multiple records into a single unified individual. The Data Cloud Use Cases we developed for our client include:

Use Case 1: Aggregation & Data Action - By unifying duplicate patient data to align interactions, our client can increase productivity and efficiency, access accurate patient history, and increase retention rates.

Use Case 2: Align Web & Ad Activity - Data Cloud allows our client to tie Web/Ad Activity to Contacts and gain a more holistic view of Contact behavioral data — allowing for enhanced Personalization, Segmentation, and Targeting.

Use Case 3: Targeted & Real-Time Outreach - By enriching marketing Audiences with behavioral data and utilizing other Data Cloud capabilities such as near real-time marketing outreach and enhanced Lead Scoring, our client can leverage Predictive Analytics and benefit from increased conversation/retention rates.

Customer Impact

The solutions we implemented had a profound and positive impact on the company's operations.

By addressing their challenges head-on, we enabled the company to achieve significant improvements in sales efficiency, marketing effectiveness, and overall system reliability. Some of the benefits the company experienced as a result of our solutions include:

Increased ROI: The fully functional Marketing Cloud environment allowed our client to realize a significant return on their investment.

Enhanced Customer Engagement: With 15 new or improved journeys live, our client can engage more effectively with their leads and customers.

Operational Efficiency: Automating nine manual processes reduced errors and freed up valuable time for the team to focus on strategic activities.

Effective Communication: The ability to send emails through Marketing Cloud for the first time allowed our client to maintain consistent and targeted communication with their audience.

Improved Reporting and Insights: The new dashboard provided clear insights into lead traffic and conversions, enabling better decision-making and strategic planning.

Seamless Integration: Proper integration between Marketing Cloud and Sales Cloud allows for data consistency and streamlined processes across the organization.

Through our comprehensive approach to addressing the company's challenges, we were able to transform their Salesforce environment, streamline their sales and marketing processes, and provide strategic insights that empowered their team.

These enhancements and improvements led to significant gains in efficiency, reliability, and overall business performance. We look forward to continuing our partnership and helping our client achieve even greater success in the future with Salesforce!

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